1.Alice was kidnapped when she was 10 when she was at her field trip.Ray kidnapped her because she killed old Alice and he needed someone to rape and torture.It was resolved but five years had to pass for that to happen.Jake killed him when he sow that he got Alice to the floor because she told Anabel to run.
2. Alice went to the park and a police lady started talking to Alice. If Ray sow that Alice was talking to someone he got mad.The police lady gave her a sandwich and a card to call her if she needed him. Ray found out and almost drowned her. It got resolved when he died because he couldn't harm her any more.
3.Ray wanted another little girl because Alice was getting old already.Ray told Alice to find him a girl so he could rape.Alice thought that by her finding him a new girl he would let her go and she would be free.Alice noticed she was wrong so she helped Anabel escape.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Dear Friend .......
Hello “Alice.” I put quotation marks around your name because that’s not your real name it’s what Ray named you. Well I know you’re going through a lot right now but you can’t give up ok you have to keep on going. I like that even though you’re trapped at Ray’s house you don’t leave because you know your parents will get killed and your there to save them. I honestly admire you because you never rebelled to Ray after all he’s done to you. I just don’t like how easy Ray kidnapped you. Did you ever wonder why you were heading to the parking lot? You always obeyed to Ray which I was really surprised because I wouldn’t. If I ever got feed how Ray feed you I would have died because all you ate was yogurts. I really feel really bad for you because Ray always told you that you had to be a certain way and I wouldn’t like someone telling me how I should be. You are 15 now and he treats you as if your still 10 like when he kidnapped you. I get mad at my parents when they do that but I’m just 13; I couldn’t stand being 15 and people treating me like that. If I was in your shoes I would have just committed suicide, I wouldn’t care if he killed my parents because I would just be tired of getting abused and hit. I will help you through this by tiring to find someone to help you. I will write you letters so you won’t feel lonely. And so you don’t feel that no one notices that you’re not alive and that something is wrong. I will make up plans to help you escape with your family. Well tell you my plans later. Bye “Alice.”
Jasmine Santos,
Jasmine Santos,
1.Apartment: the apartment was tall but not the tallest in the block. The streets were very busy since they couldn't see poor Alice dieing there. The rooms small not much space,poor looking like. The living room very messy Ray wasn't home and Alice just sat and watched tv.
2.park: sandbox all clear without trash. The grass very green that Alice was amazed and wanted to feel it. The park was very secure. A lot of trees all around.
Elizabeth Scott

Elizabeth Scott grew up in a small town in southern Virginia .Her parents were both teachers at a high school. Scott ended up having both of her parents as teachers. She had her father for three years though. Elizabeth is a major in European studies. She loves Judy Blume books because when she was younger she felt Judy Blume knew exactly how she felt. Elizabeth is afraid of squirrels. Scott's favorite food is Fritos. She didn’t know she wanted to be a writer ‘til she was twenty-seven years old. She likes all type of books but her most favorite are ten books. She is married and has a husband and a dog. Her birth place is the United States. Scott has written lost of books like “The Unwritten Rule” it’s about a guy named Ryan and he’s Brianna's boyfriend. Sarah Brianna is her best friend and Sarah tries to get away from Ryan because she starts liking him and they end up being together and….She also wrote “Something, Maybe.” “Perfect you” is another book she wrote. This book is about Kate and her dad lost his job and now works at the mall .Kate is forced to help him, her best friend becomes popular and makes her seem invisible. Will starts to like her but she acts like she doesn’t care for him but she’s always thinking about him. Another book she wrote was “Love you, Hate you, Miss you” its about a girl who’s best friend (Julia)died. Amy is the only one who really knew everything about her. Amy is the reason why she died and instead of having a journal she writes letters to Julia and apologizing to her.
Living Dead Girl
My book was about a girl named Alice.Alice was a little girl who got kidnapped when she was in a field trip.She got lost and asked Ray to take her with her class.He took her through the parking lot and took her.Alice's parents even made a funeral for her, they thought she had died. Ray raped her all the time when he got home from work. Alice felt that nobody noticed that she was not ok. Ray just gave her yogurt to eat. Ray wanted her to be skinny and not healthy so she wouldn't grow. He went to church just to see little girls in there dresses and liked looking at them.When Alice got her period she got scared and Ray got mad and sat her and got the rug she dirted with blood and wipped it on her face.He got her to the sink and almost drowned her.Ray then gave her pills so she wouldnt get pimples or get her period.Alice asked Ray if she could go to the park and he told her she better come back because if not she knew what would happen.She went and sat on the bench and watched a little girl on the swings and she said it reminded her of herself when she was smaller. When Alice sow the green grass she wanted to touch it and put her head on the ground to see if she could hear the dead people. A guy named Jake started talking to her and said he liked what she was wearing.Alice was speechless nobody has ever told her she looked pretty after she was Ray's.Jake told her to go to the van with her.Alice followed and he kissed her. Ray sow and called Alice, he looked at Anabel the little girl on the swings.She got in Rays car and Ray told her to get Anabel and that they would kidnap her.Alice thought that once her had someone else he wouldnt want her anymore. So Alice agreed and went to the park and waited for Annabel.The police ladygave her a sandwich and a card and told her if she ever needed help to call her. Jake was there Alice told him were Anabel was .he said she was at a field trip and that she would be here later, Alice told him to bring Anabel n his van later. The she went back to the park with Ray. They head down where Anabel was alone and Alice gets closer and tells her to run. Anabel runs and Ray throws Alice to the floor.Jake shoots Ray and falls on top of her. Jakes asks for her name and address and for the first time she said her real name which was kyla Davis.
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