Friday, March 26, 2010

Elizabeth Scott

Elizabeth Scott grew up in a small town in southern Virginia .Her parents were both teachers at a high school. Scott ended up having both of her parents as teachers. She had her father for three years though. Elizabeth is a major in European studies. She loves Judy Blume books because when she was younger she felt Judy Blume knew exactly how she felt. Elizabeth is afraid of squirrels. Scott's favorite food is Fritos. She didn’t know she wanted to be a writer ‘til she was twenty-seven years old. She likes all type of books but her most favorite are ten books. She is married and has a husband and a dog. Her birth place is the United States. Scott has written lost of books like “The Unwritten Rule” it’s about a guy named Ryan and he’s Brianna's boyfriend. Sarah Brianna is her best friend and Sarah tries to get away from Ryan because she starts liking him and they end up being together and….She also wrote “Something, Maybe.” “Perfect you” is another book she wrote. This book is about Kate and her dad lost his job and now works at the mall .Kate is forced to help him, her best friend becomes popular and makes her seem invisible. Will starts to like her but she acts like she doesn’t care for him but she’s always thinking about him. Another book she wrote was “Love you, Hate you, Miss you” its about a girl who’s best friend (Julia)died. Amy is the only one who really knew everything about her. Amy is the reason why she died and instead of having a journal she writes letters to Julia and apologizing to her.
Elizabeth Scott the author.

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